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Monday 3 June 2013

Dana Crash: One Year Rememberance Of The Dana Aircrash Victims


Its just like yesterday when a Dana commercial airline,marked J9 992, travelling from Abuja to Lagos crashed into the densely populated Iju Ishaga neighborhood killing all of its 153 passenger on board including the Cabin Crew and four residents who also met their untimely death on this ill-fated day,this tragedy threw the country into mourning for three days.

Its about a year after the unfortunate incident that wiped away an entire family(Maimuna Ayene was on board with her husband, kids & Mother Kids were visiting Nigeria for the first time),took away wives and husband,children,sisters,brothers,wife,husband and many more,but it is not fully known if the families of the crashed victim are fully compensated.Nigeria,home to 160 million people,suffers from endemic government corruption and mismanagement a reason not far fetched from the fact that a flight of about 35-years old would be allowed to fly precious lives.

On a fairer note,the federal government has instituted an annual aviation safety programme in memory of the victims of the June 3, 2012 Dana Air crash to mark the One year remembrance of the victims.

Its with a very heavy heart and teary eyes that i write and remember the beautiful faces we lost in the ill-fated plane crash exactly a year ago.

My sincere prayer is that May the Lord God Almighty give the lost souls eternal rest and may he grant the families the fortitude to bear the unreparable loss.Amen.

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